Posting Template for FFSAC Blog

Whether posting by email or online;  Please follow this template.  Thank you.

1) Key Photo with caption associated with Title (centered, normal text size);

2) Title - Attention Getter with keywords  (Times, Largest, Heading, Bold)

 3) Subtitle - Outbound or Inbound to or from City, Country; Date, Day # of ##;  Ex: Outbound to Gifu, Japan; October 5, 2017, Day 1 of 7. (Times, Large, Subheading, Bold)

4) By: Author's first name and last initial; Ex: Ray M.  (Times, Normal, Normal, Bold)

5) Main story with photos and videos:  Tell your story in linear fashion (morning to night) interspersing photos and videos with attached captions. (Bold, normal, centered). Use subheadings when necessary.  Use modified privacy, when writing about others or identifying in photographs, use first names only and last initial, unless individuals specify that it is okay to use full name (i.e. a recipient of an award, etc.).

6) Naming protocol of photos: Left to Right. First names and last only. Modified privacy, when writing about others or identifying in photographs, use first names only, unless individuals specify that it is okay to use full name (i.e. a recipient of an award, etc.).

7)  Sign Off:  In Friendship and Peace (Times, Largest, Heading, Bold  Italicized) Ex:  In Friendship and Peace

Online Notes:  
1) Remember to use your Title, Subtitle, Date and Byline in the posting line.
2) Remember to include tags-labels (EXAMPLES)

  • Outbound
  • Inbound
  • City, State, Country
  • Adventure
  • Food
  • Announcement
  • Landmarks
  • Cultural Groups

Email Notes:  

1) Remember to start your Subject Line with Your Name (First and Last Initial: followed by Title, Subtitle and Date)
2) Remember to add your tags-labels and any other notes for the admin regarding your post AFTER the In Friendship and Peace closure.