Monday, May 20, 2024

Moshi city tour, May 20, 2024, George M

25 people in a dala-dala

Moshi city tour 

Tanzania, May 20, 2024

By: George M

Breakfast this AM was quite abundant with cereals, fresh fruit, breads, mixed veggies and cooked tomatoes; there were vegetarian sausages and eggs cooked to order.

Three members left at 7 AM to drive to Kilimanjaro to do a small bit of the climb.  See next blog entry on this 'small bit of climb' ….

At 9 AM, the rest of us (9 persons) all gathered in front of the hotel for a short briefing; walked to the main road and all jumped into a Dalla Dalla for a short ride into Moshi. We were let out at the Catholic diocese. After photos we headed toward the train station, stopping along the way to see a baobab tree. These things are so big and have so many branches that poachers would hide in the trees during the day and poach animals at night.

Baobab tree

We next headed to the train station. Trains to Dar es Salaam take 2 days (8 hours by bus); to Arusha one day (3 hours by car)

Moshi train station
Lynn M at Moshi train station

We then went down the tracks toward the vegetable market

entrance to market

Market views

Clean up crew

Shoes for sale; many made from old rubber tires

In Friendship and Peace

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